Monday, June 18, 2012

We're Moving! (And We're Leaving the Internet Behind. Eek!)

I've got some good news!

(And then I've got some bad news...)

The Good, or Great! News:

Our family is moving into a new home this month!   This move has been in the works for several months now, and I'm so excited we're down to the final days.  Moving is a lot of work, especially when the kids think it's fun to unpack boxes that have already been filled, but it will all be worth it in the end when we are cozy and settled into our forever home.  We were so blessed to be able to purchase this home, many years before we thought we would be able, so we are taking all of the inconveniences in stride.

I must admit, I'm neglecting my photography a bit in favor of sitting on comfy couches and daydreaming about my new front porch.  Or trying to decide on paint colors for the kitchen (I still have NO clue!).  It's so much fun to think ahead about making this space something that belongs uniquely to us, and I'm looking forward to adding all the personal touches.  I've been pinning fun ideas on Pinterest for AGES.

See what I mean?  I am READY! 


There's also Bad News. 

See, the fantastic house we bought?  It's out in the country.  Not WAY out in the country, but far enough out that we can see the stars with no problems.  And apparently, it's one of the last bastions of No-Internet-Land left in the entire lower 48 states. 

No internet!

Well, let me correct myself here.  Internet is available.  But it's the old dial up kind (remember that?!), and is likely to be unreliable.

Sadly, that means I won't be online as much to update the blog, my Facebook page, or my website with fabulous photos of all my clients.  I won't lie - I'm kind of scared of what this drop in exposure and online marketing will do to my tiny little business, but I do hope all of my clients and readers can be patient!

Because I WILL be back online.  There's no way in the universe I could give it up altogether. 

But oh, my goodness, will I miss Pinterest in the meantime!

1 comment:

  1. Of course you can't give it up! I am so happy for you and your family. Living out in the country and the lack of reliable internet will help bring your family closer together and I bet you will utilize your time better by planning your blogs and posts ahead of time so that when you do get online, you will just need to post and update certain things! I know this will be great!
