Saturday, January 14, 2012

Brittany, Class of 2012 | Huntington, WV Senior Portrait Photographer

This post could be alternatively titled: "What I've been up to since August."

When last I left the blog, I was taking a small break to concentrate on family and homeschooling my kids. Now that the Christmas holidays are over and life is a littler calmer, and my little one is a little more grown up, I definitely feel ready to jump back in!!

I can't wait to get back into the swing of things, and I have lots of new products and ideas to share with all of you. Until then, I want to share one of the portrait shoots I did on my mini-haitus.

My fantastic Senior Model for the 2012 school year is a bright, smart, funny, vivacious girl who was an absolute DREAM to photograph! Brittany was up for anything, and had quite a few fantastic pose and shot ideas of her own. And really, any girl who carries a fedora as part of her wardrobe changes is A-OK in my book!

Brittany and I had a great time shooting her senior portrait at Harris Riverfront Park in Huntington. It was my first session at the park, and I'm glad to have another good location to add to my shoot list!

 These are just a few of my favorite shots from Brittany's shoot. And believe me, it was hard to choose!

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